lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

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R. Byron Bird - Transport Phenomena [2da Ed.]

por Edaly

Anyone who either teaches the subject Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering or related departments, or anyone who is involved in transport-related research, would know the importance of this book: it is simply the gold standard because it treated all the three transport subjects (Momentum, Heat and Mass) in one book. It is rare to find other textbooks that cover all the three subjects to the depth one wishes to be covered. I like the footnotes that are embedded at the bottom of the pages to provide quick information on how and when the particular Section or Chapter is developed by those who studied and formulated it. It also constantly reminds the reader about those pioneers in the field.
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Frank P. Incropera - Fundamentos de Transferencia de Calor [4ta Ed.]

por Edaly

Este texto de transferencia de calor es una referencia muy completa sobre esta disciplina. Incluye numerosos ejercicios que facilitan el estudio. Los autores han elaborado un paquete de software denominado Multisim que permite que el lector se concentre más en los principios de transferencia de calor y de masa que en tediosos cálculos matemáticos.
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Axens - Petrochemical Processes 2005

por Edaly

Carbon monoxide is compressed and sparged into the reactor riser. The reactor has no mechanical moving parts, and is free from leakage/ maintenance problems. The ACETICA Catalyst is an immobilized Rhcomplex catalyst on solid support, which offers higher activity and operates
under less water conditions in the system due to heterogeneous system, and therefore, the system has much less corrosivity.
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Serway and Jewett's - Physics Instructor Solutions Manual [6ta Ed.]

por Edaly

El Manual del instructor del libro de física de Serway, todas las respuestas a las preguntas y los problemas (resueltos).
I have solution manuals for Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th Edition, by Serway & Jewett used in PHYSICS.
These are NOT student solution manuals. These are instructor's solutions manuals that include answers to all questions and problems, even and odd. They are in PDF format, and are sold this way by the publisher. (I've seen versions of these manuals sold that are scans, which are hard to read, and there are some versions that include answers to problems only, but not to the questions. So the versions I have are the best versions that I've been able to find.)
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Warren L. McCabe - Operaciones Unitarias en Ingeniería Química [4ta Ed.]

por Edaly

Se trata de un texto introductorio, escrito para estudiantes universitarios de niveles iniciales y avanzados que han completados los cursos de matemática, física, química y la introducción a la ingenieria química..Capítulos separados están dedicados a cada una de las principales operaciones unitarias. Los mismos se agrupan en cuatro secciones: mecánica de fluidos, transferencia de calor, transferencia de masa y estados de equilibrio, y operaciones con partículas de sólidos.
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Julio Anguiano Cristóbal - Física Universitaria

por Edaly

La primera ley únicamente contiene un significado preciso para una fuerza nula, es decir, que todo cuerpo en reposo o en movimiento rectilíneo uniforme no está sometido a la acción de ninguna fuerza. Y se dice que es un cuerpo libre (o partícula libre). La primera ley, por sí sola, únicamente puede darnos una noción cualitativa acerca de la fuerza.
La segunda ley, nos da una afirmación explícita acerca de la fuerza, en la cual la fuerza se relaciona con la rapidez de cambio del momento lineal. Ahora bien, la definición de fuerza sólo expresa algo completo y preciso cuando se define la "masa".Contenido
  1. Dinámica de los sistemas de puntos materiales
  2. Campos. Trabajo y energía
  3. Campos gravitatorio y electrostático
  4. Electromagnetismo
  5. Corriente Alterna
  6. Naturaleza de la luz. Dualidad onda-corpúsculo
  7. Física nuclear
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Serway & Jewett - Physics For Scientists and Engineers [7ma Ed.]

por Edaly

Physics, the most fundamental physical science, is concerned with the basic principles of the Universe. It is the foundation upon which the other sciences— astronomy, biology, chemistry, and geology—are based. The beauty of physics lies in the simplicity of the fundamental physical theories and in the manner in which just a small number of fundamental concepts, equations, and assumptions can alter and expand our view of the world around us.
The study of physics can be divided into six main areas:
1. classical mechanics, which is concerned with the motion of objects that are large
relative to atoms and move at speeds much slower than the speed of light;
2. relativity, which is a theory describing objects moving at any speed, even speeds
approaching the speed of light.
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